Philadelphia Google Ads Management and Consulting Services

Dash PPPC Is the Affordable Way to Attract More Leads for Your Business

With over 10 years of experience in search engine advertising for B2B and B2C businesses, our team will design, launch, and manage your PPC campaigns from the ground up. Here at Dash, we offer you a solid and highly measurable lead generation and revenue source that turns even the smallest budget into a continuous flow of leads.

Google Ads Campaign Options

Paid Search

The universal standard that the majority of businesses should have active at any given time. These ads allow your business listing to appear above the free organic listings in a Google search, and allow you to get in front of an audience that is actively searching for a business like yours.


Ever visited a site in the past, then notice banners for that service follow you to other sites? That is a campaign called Remarketing, and is essential for businesses looking to stay top-of-mind during the research and buying process of your potential customers.


Have an eCommerce business and looking to drive more revenue? Google Shopping ads allow your product images and pricing to appear at the very top of the search results pages when potential customers search for a product like yours.


If you have an active YouTube channel that you upload to on a regular basis, why not take advantage of that content and create a video campaign? This will allow your video to display in front of the audience of your choice before they view their original YouTube video. The perfect opportunity to build brand awareness!

Measurable Results

By far, one of the greatest benefits of advertising through Google, and Pay-Per-Click advertising in general, is that you will know where every dollar of your budget is being spent and exactly how many leads were generated. Whether the individual submitted a contact form on your website or called your business directly, we will be able to track and provide you with an accurate cost-per-lead for any time frame.

Have an Existing Google Ads Consultant You Work With?

With other agencies, your account can sometimes get lost in the shuffle and will not be updated as much as it should. The majority of the time, this revolves around: no conversion tracking enabled, lack of updates to ad copy, not using new features made available, and not adjusting keyword bids based on performance. Here at Dash PPC, we ensure that your account is adjusted on a weekly basis based on your performance, so you see continued improvement under our service.

If you are interested in having us take a look at your existing account, please reach out and we would be happy to provide you with a free account audit!